The following is a transcription of the EATLY/EATLY families as they appear in the 1841 Census. They are taken from images of the original documents. I believe this list contains all the relevant entries for 1841.
The headings are First Name: Surname: Age: Occupation: & Yes or No as to whether they were born in the county they were residing in.
[The ages of people over 15 years old were rounded down to the nearest 5 years. Therefore, someone who was actually 24 years would have their age listed as 20, and someone who was actually 27 years old would have their age listed as 25.]
Globe, Milmans Row Chelsea Middlesex England
Benjamin EATLY.45.Licensed Victualer. No
Eliza EATLY.35.No
Eliza EATLY.15.No
John EATLY.14.No
Benjamin EATLY.11.No
Mary EATLY.11mnths.Yes
Charles EATLY.70.Bricklayer. No
Two sons are at Wick House Academy. 5
Waterloo Road Hammersmith. Middlesex. England (Mr Daniel Lawrence
Charles EATLY.8.Pupil .Yes
William EATLY.6.Pupil.Yes
Malvern Chase, Great
Malvern, Worcestershire. England
Matthew EATLY. Head.M.35.Bricklayer.No
Mary EATLY.W.M.30.Laundersess.Yes
John EATLY.11.Yes
Sarah EATLY.9.Yes
Herbert EATLEY,Son.3. Yes
Charles EATLEY,Son,1.Yes
10 Little Camera Street,
St Luke, Chelsea, London, England.
John EATLY.40.Bricklayer.Yes.
Charlotte EATLY.40.Yes
George EATLY.14.Yes
with Evington, Gloucestershire, England
Epaphroditus EATLEY.70.Bricklayer.Yes.
Sarah EATLEY.50.Yes.
Court, St Luke. Middlesex
Sarah EATLY.45.Yes
Sarah EATLY.25.Cotton winder.Yes
Richard EATLY.25.Compositor.Yes
Nancy EATLY.20.Servant.Yes
Elizabeth EATLY.10.Cotton winder.Yes
Fox and Duck. Charlston. Shropshire
Charles EATLY.25.Male servant.Yes.